The Annual General Meeting of Kenton & District u3a ran smoothly to order on Wednesday 28 June 2023 at 11:30am.
The Apologies for Absence were read out and accepted.
The Minutes of the AGM held in June 2022 were adopted as a true record. There were no matters arising.
The Chair of Kenton & District u3a then presented her report for the year ended 31 March 2023, thanking all those people involved in managing the u3a and all those people volunteering to run the different group sessions. Lastly, she thanked all the members of Kenton & District u3a for their continued support, and our hosts at the Harrow District Masonic Centre in Northwick Circle. The Chair’s report was adopted unanimously.
The Treasurer then presented his report, explaining the differences between the year ended 31 March 2023 and the previous year. There were several questions about the costs of operating the Kenton u3a, and about the membership today and in the future. There were questions about the cost of living crisis, and the costs of insuring the operations of the u3a. Lastly, we were told that the accounts had been examined and approved by our Accounts Examiner. The Treasurer’s report and the Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 were adopted unanimously.
There was then the election of the honorary officers and the members of the management committee.
Under any other business, several members expressed their individual thanks for the leaders of the Kenton u3a, and for all the hard work that had gone in to make it a successful year. The Annual General Meeting closed at 12:25pm.

The one item that did not run to plan was the weather, but the organisers had a contingency plan that went into operation smoothly, allowing members to sit and chat and make new acquaintances with a pleasant indoor picnic. All told, it was a most successful event.