Investigating the Slugs This Year

Following on from the AGM and the Summer Social, the members of the Gardening Group met at a nearby home to talk about their experiences in the current hot spell, and the difficulties everyone has been suffering from with the explosion in the number of slugs. The Soil Association has published a Guide to the Life Cycle of Slugs which some found helpful.

One enthusiastic member had brought along his slug hunting equipment to show the others, and they requested a photo of him hard at work collecting slugs that evening.

Things have definitely improved with the drier weather. His peak collection was 283 slugs in one hour! Thankfully, it is now down to about 30 in one hour.

There is also great interest in a fruit tree grafting project, and we are hoping that we will be able to do some grafting in the early autumn and in the spring next year, so we can see what is involved and what level of skill is required.

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