On Wednesday 18 December 2024, we had our Winter Social meeting at 12:30pm in the afternoon. This was an opportunity to mark the end of 2024 and a chance to look forward to the coming year of 2025. The event was sold out to capacity, and many members remarked on how enjoyable the occasion had been.
There was a short address from our Chair, Dick Nathan, who thanked all those involved.
There was a glass of prosecco for those that wanted one, and a selection of squashes and fruit juices for those that preferred something different. There was a wide selection of sandwiches – vegetarian and non-vegetarian – and a selection of hot Indian Vegetarian Snacks for any that were feeling the cold. That was followed by a selection of pastries and cakes for dessert, followed by tea and coffee as required.

The came the entertainments. We started with the Secret Life of Good King Wenceslas which introduced us to the “Yonders” – otherwise known as the peasants in the carol, we learned about the plumber problems in the castle and there was sympathy from the audience when they discovered how difficult it is for the Wenceslas family to find a plumber over the Christmas Season! We then launched into the difficulties the King and Queen were experiencing in finding a suitable husband for the Princess despite the best endeavours of their Prime Minister. Good King Wenceslas then suffered a bout of indigestion when he saw the plumber’s bill, let alone the cost of the wedding, but thankfully for the people of Prague, it all ended happily. We thank all the members of the Playreading Group for their time and effort in introducing us to this family saga.

Next it was the Singing For Pleasure Group – some of them still in costume from the play – who entertained us and led the sing-along that finally brought the whole affair to a close. We thank all the members of the Singing For Pleasure Group for entertaining us so well, and persuading all of us that we can really sing!

Lastly, but by no means least, we thank all the catering crew who organised, prepared, purchased and served this festive feast. We also thank the staff at the Harrow District Masonic Centre who worked so hard in preparing the room and clearing the room after the event.