Category: Art
Kenwood House Nobility Art & Scandal
Our course on British Art and what can be seen around London continued on Friday 03 November 2023 with the story of Kenwood House, its Art, Nobility and some Scandal! Kenwood House is familiar to many residents of North London, but the story of the house was not as familiar, until it was brilliant described…
Celebrities and Scandals Portrayed
Our talk on the history of British Art on 20 October 2023 caused some eyebrows to be raised, not so much because of the illustrations portrayed, but more owing to the lives of the sitters being painted. Our guide on the subject, Jennifer, started with a look at the differences in lives and artistic styles…
Royal Academy and Joshua Reynolds
Our History of Art session on Friday 06 October 2023 covered the history of the Royal Academy, and the work of its first President, the artist Sir Joshua Reynolds PRA, FRS, FRSA. We started with the story of how the Royal Academy had got started, largely at the instigation of Sir Joshua Reynolds and Sir…
Art From Dulwich to Gainsborough
On 15 September 2023, our review of Art Galleries in London continued with a look at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in South London. This connected well with the previous talk on the Soane Museum as Sir John Soane had been the architect for the Dulwich Picture Gallery (as well as many other buildings including the…
Art History now with Sir John Soane
On Friday 01 September, our Art History course, led by Jennifer Mills, resumed with a look at the works of art collected by Sir John Soane, and exhibited in his home in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Jennifer started with a brief update on her trip across Europe, which had included the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua with…
Wallace Collection – Guided Visit 2
Our visits to the Wallace Collection concluded with the last guided tour to the collection on Wednesday 14 June 2023, with our guide Jennifer underlining the points made during a series of lectures given in early 2023 to Kenton and District u3a. The enormous collection could be overwhelming, but Jennifer’s short tour concentrated on the…
Wallace Collection – Guided Visit 1
On Monday 12 June 2023, a group of members of the Kenton & District u3a were treated to a guided tour of the Wallace Collection in Central London. The Wallace Collection is a museum in London occupying Hertford House in Manchester Square, the former townhouse of the Seymour family, Marquesses of Hertford. It is named…
The Dutch Golden Age Comes to an End
This week’s talk by Jennifer on the Golden Age of Dutch Art saw the 12-week programme come to an end. The talk began with some more ‘interiors’ that were left over from the previous week, including an intriguing interior painted in 1988 by Paula Rego and entitled “The Family”. The member introducing this painting told…
In u3a Art, Free Choice Works Well
This week’s talk by Jennifer on the Golden Age of Dutch Art concentrated on a selection of works brought to the session by the members of the u3a. The only constraint was that the painting should show an interior scene. There was no constraint of country, style or period, and that led to a very…
Still Life in 17th Century Dutch Art
This week’s talk by Jennifer on the Golden Age of Dutch Art concentrated on the development of Still Life or “Stilleven” paintings. We started with a quick recap of where we had got to in our 12 week programme, and a brief announcement of what remains to be covered – including pictures from the audience…