Category: History
Preston Road is part of Metroland
Our speaker at our Monthly Meeting on 26 February 2025 was our own member Chris who is also part of Preston Community Library. Please note that we are speaking of Preston between Wembley and Kenton rather than Preston in Lancashire! Image courtesy of Ordinance Survey 1914 Chris described how a quiet corner of Middlesex noted…
The American Civil War (Part 2 of 3)
Our course of lectures on the American Civil War continued on Friday 28 April 2023 with a look at the conduct of the war itself. Our lecturer, Harry Goldstein who has a postgraduate qualification in American History, described the war as Horror at Short Range, showing a famous painting. This was face to face fighting,…
The American Civil War (part 1 of 3)
Our three part series on the American Civil War began on Friday 14 April 2023. The sessions are led by Harry Goldstein who has a post graduate degree in American History. The three sessions will deal with: 1) How the war started; 2) The war itself; and 3) A review of the positions at the…